Sometimes I sit here at night when its mostly quiet in the house and think about my mortality.
I'm heavily invested in right now and am pretty much the only one the knows the ins/outs of how it all works. I'm training jacob but he doesn't have the php knowledge that i have and mine is very little. He's great at testing and all the admin stuff so we make a good team but it worries me, alot, what will happen to the project when i'm gone.
I've built the project as an organization ( ) so the project itself is safe but it will still need dev's to keep things updated and for any new features.
Jacob is doing well but I worry.
Joomla! will do fine without me. Bearsampp I'm not sure of.
I almost wish I knew when......
I just have to remind myself that HE has a plan. Even for little things. If HE wants Bearsampp to live he'll eventually provide resources that will make that happen.
For now I have to focus on growing the brand and creating a better product then Neard ever was.
01Oct22 will be our next release and its a big one. We've accomplished sooooo much.
We're very rapidly approaching the point where we won't have much "new" stuff to do. Just keep the modules up-to-date.
The long term plan is to reach a "stable" state before 2023 so we can be in maintenance mode for 2023. At that point our "baby" should be ok for the forseeable future.
I wish I was at this point 20yrs ago. Life would be very different.
As he wishes...