Turns out not only am I blocked from any comments on his issues, which in and of itself is fine, but now I'm also banned from forking any of his content.
In short he's gone about as far towards a ban on public git as he can go.
Now I find out that one of the core parts of neard is now owned by him and used exclusively on Neard and Wamp. With wamps version being very specific to wamp.
Tonight I feel strange. Have for the last few days on/off.
Few days ago I was dizzy most of the day. Even stretching made me almost fall out of the chair.
Been doing a LOT of coding lately, which is great in that it is getting my mind going again, bad in that I'm losing even more sleep and in that I'm not active in wow.
Can't seem to really focus on anything w/o falling down giant rabbit holes.
Today I slept alot so yet again my sleep schedule is messed up. I almost had it fixed. But I've been sick last couple of days and was just worn out and unable to think around 1400
Joomla hits 16 tomorrow and with it a major release.
We've waited a long time for Joomla! 4.0 and its finally here.
We've updated our site to 3.10 and will be staying with the 3.x architecture for the forseeable future.
Well, day 5 of the.. "overwhelmed to the point of depression" week. I'm sleeping in shifts now which probably isn't the best way to do so, and leaves ted alone for most of the time. Which is good & bad. Good in that he can relax, bad in that he gets lonely & then gets depressed.
Tried creating a new ui for healing that really has me floored. I can see the value in it but not sure if I have the brain power to use it effectively. The bad part is there is no way to test if I can w/o just doing it. That makes it bad for everyone else. I've got to really try to think this thru WITHOUT driving myself insane.
Depression is such an annoying thing.
One minute your fine, the next your depressed with often times no real reason why. And sometimes its the stupidest of things that is so depressing.
This is the 3rd day this week that I've felt this way. Thankfully its not overwhelming depression. It simply feels like nothing is going to get done & even if it were it wouldn't be good enough. I'm not good enough.
My oxygen levels have been 88 when waking the last two days so that might be a contributing factor.
Just now I'm sitting here going thru the things I need to do and suddenly a way of depression hits me like a truck. "Damn your old and falling apart dude!"
Getting old is NOT for the weak.
Another night where I'm feeling weird.
Why am I lonely right now. Is it because everyone has been asleep for hours and I'm not? Is it because the members of wow I normally run with were gone today?
Is it cause its 5am and I'm alone?
Is it lonlieness that makes you feel empty inside?
Damn I wish I was still married to a wife that was trustworthy.
Why do I always feel half brain dead when I stay up @ night. Sitting here somewhere between depression & boredom.
Just got done healing a run and am shaking like a leaf! Never had that experience before.
Day #2 of being in a brain fog. Not as bad as yesterday when I forgot to take Tuesday's meds but still not thinking clearly.
Medically things sure are a mess right now. Got appointments mon, tue, wed next week to START sorting things out.
I wonder why I hate leaving the house now?
Something I should definetly bring up at my next counseling session.
So glad inaguration went off smoothly. Let just pray it continues to go as well.